Monday 6 March 2017

Cute as a Button

Only 3 Buttons?

Had fun at Olympia - Spring Knitting and Stitching Show on Saturday, but didn't go mad. I escaped without any new patchwork fabric but did buy some linen to try out some hand stitching for a biscornu project I want to try. (Think I may have got too close a thread count though, as my embroidery skills aren't up to much). I also got a bendy daylight floor lamp for working downstairs, when I need to, where my lighting is so bad.

But I just could not resist these gorgeous handmade ceramic buttons by Kate Holliday. Just too pretty to use right away! I think I've even got matching china in my kitchen - they are so me!!  Good job she only had these three, or I might have got carried away.

Talking of treasures too pretty to use; I had a very self indulgent day to myself on Sunday, just playing with odds and ends that I have hoarded over the years, and made this shabby chic wall hanging. Some of the buttons are genuine antiques. 
Yes it is pink - I know! 
I'm thinking of doing another one in blue and putting it on the back, which is why I haven't put the binding on yet. It will give me something else to work on alongside Susan's over-sized quilt which is next up, now that I have got the metallic thread from Olympia.

Happy Quilting Everyone!


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