Wednesday 13 November 2019

Christmas Leftovers

 Flying High

What a wonderful quilt Jean M has made for her lucky grandson and I had the pleasure of quilting it for her. 

Jean had been inspired by the black, white and grey strippy quilt that Studio Quilters made as a group project a couple of years ago and wanted to try a version of her own.

She incorporated several themes and fabrics that would mean something to her grandson. He is going to love it!
Strippy quilts are a nice alternative to sampler quilts. It is a good way of experimenting with different designs and techniques in a single project. That touch of red makes it look so classy.

It was a nice opportunity for me to play with different shapes too. I had fun with this paisley border.

Now that the Connecting Threads Christmas social evening is over, I can show my entry for the 'Recycled Denim' challenge. 
It is a luggage label. Well no one said it had to something big!!

Now I am back to my busy self; with classes starting up again, mentoring beginners, preparing for my  workshop on Saturday - I have only just had time to make a last minute contribution for our table at the NSPCC Christmas Fair.

These two little sets of coasters are made from triangles I cut off from the diamonds in Elise's Christmas tree mat.

Well you have to use up the leftovers at this time of year!

Happy Quilting Everyone!

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1 comment:

  1. Jeans quilt looks great! My own quilting has been more unpicking! I wish I had waited for you! Xxxx
