Tuesday 16 August 2016

Fabric - What Fabric?

I didn’t buy much really!

Apart from the obligatory 2 half kilos of white sheeting off-cuts from Empress Mills which I had to lug around all day; a fully justifiable pack of hand-dyed cottons for Sheena’s Convergence workshop next month (which I’m now thinking won’t be enough) and 6 (mainly pink) Fat Quarters for £10 which I just couldn’t pass up – that’s all the fabric I bought at the Festival of Quilts at NEC Birmingham on Saturday. 
I did however find a few things that were on my wish list, including some new Westalee Rulers specifically for the long arm, and a gadget called Flex-Gauge for dividing up spaces evenly which will be helpful for marking up border designs. I am looking forward to trying these out.

But best of all, I think I should win the prize (if there is one) for buying the smallest ruler at the show – one of three Bloc-Loc Rulers I got for making Flying Geese units. It makes a finished size unit of 1/2 inch x 1 inch!
Now I really can’t throw anything away!!
But maybe I will reserve it for my most treasured scraps. Isn’t it the cutest thing ever? I haven’t dared try it out yet.
Apart from all the shopping, I donated 6 of my quilts and a few more from Studio Quilters to Project Linus, who seemed really pleased to take them.

The quilts on display were as inspiring as ever. I rather regret not entering my Hunter’s Star now- but maybe next year. I might even make a miniature quilt with my new rulers. But as always I came away with an extended mental ‘to do’ list – things I’ve been meaning to try out - maybe some hand stitching. I could use the practice if my calendar block for the Studio Quilters challenge is anything to go by – I’m not even going to post a picture of it on here!
Happy Quilting Everyone!


  1. Not much....really....how long is your nose!....glad you had a fun time and came home with goodies....I will look forward to seeing the results of the smallest ruler! Xxxxxxxx

  2. Very cute ruler. I wanted to get larger ones but found them a bit expensive, so I'm using layers of washy tape to mimic the effect. And you should definitively enter your quilts in exhibitions, your quilting is always so amazing.

    1. They were expensive but I gave in to temptation!xx
